costing more than they're worth.a family mourns.and a department looks for answers. tonight- austin police are honoring one of their own. officer amir abdul-khaliq died from his injuries after he was hit by a car during a funeral procession. as the department
looks into the escort program -- funeral homes are scrambling to figure out what they would do without local officers.kxan's arezow doost takes a close look tonight. as austin mourns for fallen officer amir abdul-khaliq - police chief art acevedo vows
to look at the department's policy on funeral processions. either going to do are not taking or we won't do officer abdul-escorting a funeral procession last thurayh police say a driver crashed into him. "how many escorted processions do you guys have a
week?""sometimes as many as 3 to 4 a week."harrell funeral home in south austin says no escort means no procession. "we would simply not have them. we would have to dismiss at the funeral chapel and reconvene at the cemetery at a certian amount of time."right
now if a family wants a procession the funeral home makes the arrangments. we checked with a number of them and we were told that normally up to 3 off duty officers are used for an escort. harrell's says a family pays about 150-dollars for each officer.
"we would have to turn here at the stop sign." funeral director david ives shows us the route they would normally take with an escort to the cemetery. "they would stop traffic here..."he says without the officers it would just be too dangrous. arezow
doost, kxan news. some funeral homes tell kxan another option could be to hire a private company to escort the procession, but that would cost the family more money. austin police tell us chief acevedo will look at the program after officer abdul-
khaliq's memorial. and that public memorial service for officer abdul- khaliq is set for thursday at 11 am.it will be at the wilhelmina delco center on pecan brook drive.we will be carrying the service live on the air-over on kxan. you can also watch it on our
website- kxan dot com.kxan

car hire kuala lumpur airport,spoke to the grieving family who was being escorted by officer abdul-khaliq when he was hit.to hear that
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