♪ [music] ♪ - [female advisor] passport health hascovered all the important elements of traveling safe, what diseases you can andcannot be vaccinated against, pesky insects and protection, food andwater precautions, and insurance. well, how about some personal safety andsecurity advice? be cautious at all times. stay in close contact with hotel and touroperators, assistance provider, and embassy. avoid crowds. travel inpairs, and leave valuables at home. life is unpredictable, so is travelingabroad. weather, road conditions, pickpockets, all present potential risks.be proactive, follow the rules,
and be aware of your surroundings to makethe right choices. - [male advisor] a little uknown fact:international travelers face a greater risk of serious disability or death frommotor vehicle-related incidents. remember these helpful safety guidelines.hire a driver recommended by your company or hotel. use safety belts and childsafety seats. avoid traveling at night. sit behind the driver, and only chooseproperly marked taxis. carry your destination address written in the locallanguage. remember, if the car breaks down, your best chance for rescueis to stay with the vehicle. when taking a bus or train, sit towardthe rear. for longer journeys,
sleep in your own compartment with doorsand suitcases locked. and finally, mark your bagswith bright identification. - remember your travel itinerary containsmore security advice, health and safety tips, and emergencyassistance information. take it with you.

car hire myanmar,keep it close, and refer to it often. theinternational certificate of vaccination given to you today is the only worldwiderecognized document for immunization verification. carry it with your passportand have all future vaccinations recorded here to maintain your vaccination history.
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