(music playing) (narrator) over 50 percent of thegreenhouse gas emissions you produce in your home are generated by heating,air conditioning and hot water. in other words keepingyour home warm in winter, cool insummer with nice hot water on tap is emitting2.5 to 5 tonnes of greenhouse gasemissions each year. it also contributes ahefty amount to your electricity bill, between50 to 60 percent.
csiro has invented a new solarair conditioning system for australian homes.this technology solution will reduce australia’s emissions,reduce your energy bills and reduce our demandfor electricity and gas. if every home inaustralia installed our solar cooling technologyit would be the equivalent of saving15 mega tonnes of co2 or taking 3.5 millioncars off the road. csiro’s solar air conditioningis an innovative three in one
technology that provides hotwater, cooling and heating. it uses only a fraction ofthe electricity of current systems and halvesgreenhouse gas emissions. the process begins with atypical solar hot water system. water is heated by solar panelsand stored in the hot water tank. this solar hot water canthen be used throughout the home, reducing the needfor gas or electricity. a portion of the hot water isdiverted into csiro’s new solar air conditioning unit, which isdivided into two compartments.
the hot water entersa heat exchanger in the first compartmentof the unit. similar to a car radiator the heatexchanger uses the hot water to heat outside air that hasbeen drawn into the first compartmentthrough the vent. at the same time outsideair is also being drawn into the second compartmentinto a desiccant wheel. the desiccant wheel is the mostcritical part of the system. it is used to dry out the airbefore it goes into the house.
slowly turning thedesiccant material in the wheel continuouslyabsorbs moisture in the second compartment andthen the absorbent material dries out inthe first compartment. the desiccant material is dried outusing the hot dry air generated by the heat exchanger. this air is then exhaustedoutside the home. the dry air from the desiccantwheel flows through an indirect evaporative cooler which createsa stream of cool dry air.
this cool dry air is then fed into thehome in order to cool down the rooms. in winter the solar heated air canbe used directly to warm the house.
car hire namibia,csiro’s solar coolingsystem is a low emissions alternative to conventionalair conditioning and gas or electric powered heating,providing more comfortable homes, reduced energy billsand a cooler planet.
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