are you thinking about renting from wickedcampers for your upcoming road trip? here's an in-depth look at what to expectfrom your rental, as well as our review of the experience. first thing, let's talk about the vehicle. we were given a late model toyota voxy. this one was rust and dent free inside andout and had only about 130,000km on the engine. the tires were in great shape. after pulling away from the rental centeri tested the tire pressure which was spot on and even checked the air filter for theengine.
it was spotless. we may have gone above and beyond on inspectingour rental vehicle but since we booked it for over 40 days and we were going to be insome pretty remote areas, we wanted to make sure we weren't driving a breakdown readyto happen. cribs usually kicks the tour off with thekitchen so let's start there. the built in kitchen consists of a sink, twobins on racks, butane stove, and a decent sized cooler. wicked camper throws in some pots, plates,bowls, and a little silverware as well. we actually haven't used the sink once.
look at this thing, looks ridiculous. could this kitchen set up be better? absolutely. is it livable for camping? yeah, yeah. chairs and tables aren't included in the rentaland cost a flat fee of $15 nzd to have for the duration of your rental. very much worth it. on to the sleeping area.
this is where the magic happens. let's check out bed-mode first. we're both 6 feet tall. we both fit in here, but you really wouldn'twant to be any bigger than us. or you would need to be desperately in lovefor it to be comfortable. you don't want your roommate to smell bad. combined you should be 12 feet and 400lbs. it's not the most comfortable thing in theworld but every night when you crawl in here for sleepy time you'll be glad you're notoutside in tents.
these campervans have storage on storage onstorage. the back area: it's a bit of a pain to getto so we put things here that we almost never need. the front area is where we keep all our foodand hide our electronics when we park. the storage area in front is great for clothingyou need every day and your backpacks make little drawers under it- it's awesome! there's even a little area that we call theunder-nunder. there's a great spot to stash shoes, walkingsticks, and treasures. so, with the table set up it's tight in here.
there's nothing around that. plus you have all the pillows and bed padsand blankets. there's really nothing you can do about that. but on a rainy new zealand day, it's betterto have this table option than not. here's the pilot area. this is probably the spot that's going tovary the most depending which van you get. ours had a ton of nice stash spots for allour gadgets, snacks and other stuff. you can see it's a bit messy up here, yoursis going to be messy too. all in all, we were really happy with ourcampervan from wicked campers.
they were definitely our least expensive optionand when we booked it for over 30 days they gave us a break on the price. you can end up with some pretty wicked slogansand graphics on the side though, so make sure to put in your request ahead of time if youdon't want anything others might deem inappropriate.

car hire new zealand,there are far nicer campervans and rvs outthere but at a heavily inflated price. if you're looking for the best bang for yourbuck though, wicked seems to be the company to work with. if you're looking for more information besure to check out the written review at worldtravelerhd.com
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