i was dreaming of an old houseand i could not get it or find it so, instead of an old house,i then decided to build from scratch an old house, which sounds very weird what i did was to first buy i spent the first year and a half, two yearsalmost, buying windows and doors and then beams and tiles and rocks most of my work, how can i say, is work for hire in the sense that i mostly design,conceive and produce events and shows and installations and exhibitionsfor designers and houses
so i do it, i guess with a personal touchof course, always but i do it for a brand or a designer the house as you see itis for myself, my family and my friends and there's no work for hire there it's incredibly personal not by choice of designbut more by choice of life i did want a very rounded house a very warm, very welcoming very soft and sweet, in a way, house
i usually love things very angular i design many shows that are very angular i myself don't draw wellso i studied designing that's what i kind of dobut i started doing things fairly simple and minimalisticbecause they're easier to draw and when it came to thisi wanted the opposite of that there are many memorableevenings and nights of pasta at three in the morning before you go to bed,so you have no hangover kind of thing
i did remember many of those actually, just by the door of the kitchenthere's a growing area for herbs and basil you can actually very easilyin the middle of the night with nothing in the fridge, if youhad nothing, cook something from what's there in the garden why does my wine come out of a rusty tap? why not? is there any reasonmy wine shouldn't come out of a rusty tap

car hire on mallorca,because i think that's out of a placethat should be made for both fun and relax and whatever
there should be a tap in the wallwith great red wine coming out of it for no other reason than that!
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