hi this is cort smith. i am the founder ofasian prosource and today i am going to talk to you a little bit about patents in china.the largest misunderstanding about patents is there isn't anything called a internationalpatent. every country has its own patent system and you have to file a patent in every countrythat you want to be protected in. now there are agencies that will offer a internationalprotection plan or world wide coverage, but that would consist of a filing in every countryyou are seeking protection in. something to be careful of in china is that china is veryquick to give patents but sometimes the process to undo them could be costly and timely. soat what point do you want to invest into a patent in china is probably relevant to theamount of sales and exports you are doing
from the country. and is your product beingcopied or not in chin. the most protective patent you might find for yourself in chinais a simple design patent. this protect the outer shape of whatever you are building,the outerline of what the object you make looks like. but will protect you from anotherobject from a similar industry to not look the same as your shape. so a design patentrelatively easy and will offer you a strong protection so that no one else can copy yourproduct in china and export a similar looking product out of the country. that will keepthose copy cats further away and at least
car hire launceston,you will have some leverage on them shouldit pop up. thank you for watching, and here at asian prosource we welcome you to callus and share your thoughts and concerns and
we will share our experience back to you.for quick tips on how your source can be a better experience, please subscribe below
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